Image: Color photograph of a group of variously-toned light-skinned people standing in front of the MoMA PS1 museum in Queens, NY. They form a small circle while talking to each other, and each carries a small wooden box with a digital clock display as part of a participatory artwork.

aerial photo of many people standing around a large collection of books, magazines, etc. in a new york city industrial space

The Cybernetics Library at the 2017 Cybernetics Conference. New York City.

The Cybernetics Library

The Cybernetics Library is an interdisciplinary browsing library and collective that re-contextualizes the expansive history of cybernetic thought and practice through a continually evolving collection, public programs, and themed spatial installations. The Library aims to to generate feedback between publications, digital information, and readers themselves, examining issues of ethics and bias in socio-technological systems. The Library is a non-hierarchical group that includes Charles Eppley, Sarah Hamerman, Sam Hart, David Hecht, Melanie Hoff, and Dan Taeyoung with physical locations in both New York City and Berlin. Projects have been supported by the Queens Museum, New Museum, ACH Conference, Prime Produce, the School for Poetic Computation, the NY Zine Fair, MoMA PS1, Tate Modern, Trust Support, and more. 

color photograph of christine sun kim, an artist, standing in front of a closed gallery front in the lower east side, nyc. she is signing in ASL to a group of Deaf and hearing guests.

Christine Sun Kim, (LISTEN), 2016. New York City. is a distributed platform for art and research. In publications, public programs, workshops, exhibitions and performances, supports and commissions artistic research projects and writings that examine the role of technology in society and our mediated material culture. Projects have been realized at MoMA PS1, New Art Dealers Association, Pratt Institute, NTS Radio, The Lot Radio, Wesleyan University, and the School for Poetic Computation. is led by Charles Eppley and Sam Hart with evolving collaborators and contributors. 

digital screenshot of Glitch Realm Remote Access party, featuring a virtual space with balloons and two large screens with interpreters. guests in robotic avatars are spread around a matrix-like grid.

Yo-Yo Lin and Kevin Gotkin, Glitch Realm, 2021. CultureHub

disability Arts & Access 

Remote Access is a "crip nightlight gathering" organized by Aimi Hamraie and Kevin Gotkin through the Critical Design Lab (Vanderbilt University), a multi-disciplinary arts and design collaborative that promotes accessibility through digital and social practice projects. Embracing disability justice as a guiding ethical and social framework, the Remote Access parties experiment with "playful and participatory ways of producing access as a collective cultural practice." Working with an evolving group of "access doulas," Charles has provided recurring access work for the series, as well as other disability arts related programs at Ford Foundation, Tangled Arts & Disability, the Allen Memorial Art Museum, CultureHub, and more. 

Surface Waves

Surface waves propagate between two fluid materials, such as air and water. Holding tension between these media, the waves move outward, upward, and downward, like ocean waves or ripples on the surface of a lake. Pressure between two bodies, or two fields, which never quite join. But what if we take surface waves, and the pressures that they create between two bodies, as a framework for thinking about sonic technology listening culture? This project is a public collection of thoughts on the techno-material cultures and political economies of sound and listening, focusing on sonic art, broadly conceived, but extending to larger domains of sonic culture and technology.